Sisters Adorers AASC Mumbai Province


News - Significant Updates

Apostalate Report 2023

The Mobile Clinic Programme, Davangere.

Sr. Jacinta from Davangere community has joined the Don Bosco Child Labour mission to assist the people from the interior villages where the health facilities are totally absent. She is engaged in conducting health camps, awareness programs, visiting the 20 villages, assisting them with their health issues and listening ear to their daily problems of life that make their life a bit miserable. Their presence in the villages makes a hung difference in the lives of beneficiaries. They do visit to Anganwadi teachers to get a good response from the villagers.


Awareness programs on Anti-human trafficking, Karwar

An awareness on anti-human trafficking created among the young ones in the schools, collages, religious sisters and brothers and Migrants. Sr. Philomena Manimala from Karwar community and team taking an initiative to create awareness among all people so that the people of our society be aware of this evil problem that destroys the lives of  many young girls and children and women.

 Migrants in Goa School in Goa Navajyothi Nilaya children Young brothers’ Sacred heart sisters, Kajubag Don Bosco sisters, Mumbai Nivas hostel, Mumbai St. Joseph PU collage, Karwar International women’s day, Karwar St. Michael’s school

Appointment of Mumbai Provincial

The Mumbai Province of the Sisters Adorers elected its government for the next three-year term (2024- 2026) on January 27, 2024, during its Provincial Chapter.

Thus, the new government team is formed by the following sisters:

  • Provincial Superior: Rincy SebastianSr. Rincy
  • Vicar Provincial: Yogini Lopes
  • 2nd Consultor: Catherine Ukken
  • 3rd Consultor: Margrette Gracias
  • 4th Consultor: Philomena Manimala

Sister Rincy Sebastian hails from Kerala. She entered the pre-novitiate in July 1997, made her first vows on 15 June 2000 and her perpetual profession in 2006. She has accompanied projects for the care of sexually abused women. She has worked for projects under Caritas Goa for the unwed mothers and CARA Adoption agency. She has been Superior, Directress of novices, Directress of Juniors, and Provincial Consultor for the last three years. (2021-2023).

We thank God for the generosity and service to the Province of Mumbai and the Congregation of all the sisters who were part of the previous Provincial Government.

The Provincial Chapter of Mumbai, was held from January 23-27, 2024 at the Atmadarshan Center located in Mahakali, Mumbai (India), was attended by 40 sisters. The province of Mumbai is made up of 68 sisters distributed in 13 communities: 1 in the Philippines and 12 in India.


" Glory in his holy name: let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice"

The entire Adorers family rejoices at his glorious moment! as Sr. Pilar Casas Navarro is elected as the XIVth Superior General of the Congregation. We implore God's blessings upon her that he may fulfill all the plans he has for the congregation, through her mediation. May St. Maria Micaela assist her and bless her from above.

With grateful hearts we also thank our former Superior General Sr. Teresa Valenzuela Albornoz for her relentless and selfless service to the congregation for the past twelve years.



International day against child labour

Superior General visit to Mumbai Provincial house

Superior General Sr. Teresa Valenzuela and Sr. Fara Galati General Consultor visited Mumbai Provincial house on an informal visit from 20th to 25th December 2022. The sisters welcomed them with a bouquet of flowers and garland. We were happy to have them to celebrate the birth of Jesus and build happy memories

On 21st of December Sr. Teresa our General blessed the foundation stone for the Infirmary building at Residence community for elderly and sick sisters. Fr. Roque Gonsalves the Parish Priest of Pallotti church, invoked God's blessings and blessed the foundation stone and land with sprinkling of the holy water in the presence of Sr. Lissy our Provincial, councilors, architect, friends and sisters. We pray for God's blessings and help that the work may reach to its completion. May St. Maria Micaela pray for us.

On 22nd December 2022, Sr. Atchamma Thommamdru made her Final commitment to the Lord, in St. Vincent Pallotti church. Srs. Theresia, Shalini and Margily celebrated their golden jubilee of Religious Profession. The occasion was graced with the gracious presence of Sr. General Sr. Teresa and Sr. Fara Galati the General Councilor. Rt. Rev. Bishop John Rodrigues solemnized the Holy Eucharist along with Parish fathers and guest priests. In his homily the Bishop urged us to be witnesses with the eloquence of our lives, lives which radiate the joy and beauty of living the Gospel and following Christ to the full by learning from Jesus in the Eucharist the meaning and practice of love. It was a wonderful day of blessing for sisters, family, friends and benefactors.

Sr. Lissy our Provincial made her canonical visitation to all the thirteen communities from December end till March 2023. The theme was Adore, walk and Accompany. Sr. Lissy animated the sisters and met each one personally inquiring their well being. We thank her for her availability and service

Two Juniors Sr. Sarojini and Sr. Stamla went to Rome and Spain for formation and preparation for their final commitment. Sr. Rincy Sebastian and Sr. Soniya Bhandari attend Formation course in Rome organized by UISG

Three day workshop on Online Ministry with basic techniques on Photography and Videography was held at Mumbai Provincial house by vocation promotion in charge of our Province. Nineteen of us were fortunate enough to attend the short course. The resource person Fr. Velson Fernandes CSSR



Sisters Adorers Mumbai Province. Vijay Nagar, Marol Maroshi Road, Andheri E, Mumbai - 400059
Email : Provincial Supervisor