Sisters Adorers AASC Mumbai Province


Charism Adoration : Liberation

AdorationOur Holy Foundress, St Maria Micaela, urged by the Holy Spirit responds to an urgent need of her time: to liberate women/girls victims of prostitution. (Const. 1).

From our lived Eucharistic experience germinates and grows our mission in the Church: Adoration – Liberation.

Today, we want to respond with fidelity and commitment to the Charism received: Become Eucharist: “bread that is broken and shared and wine that tastes presence””, having the following objectives:

To ADORE Jesus in the Eucharist at all times, in spirit and in truth (Cf. Const. 2 & 10). It is from our moments before the Blessed Sacrament that we, Sisters Adorers, draw strength for all our apostolic activities.

To LIBERATE and promote women exploited by social evils or who have been made victims of other enslaving situations, “treating them with benevolence and real charity” (Const. 2)

To PROTECT young girls whose moral and social life is in danger.

To EMPOWER women to establish their identity and status in the family and society.


Sisters Adorers Mumbai Province. Vijay Nagar, Marol Maroshi Road, Andheri E, Mumbai - 400059
Email : Provincial Supervisor