Sisters Adorers AASC Mumbai Province


St Maria MicaelaPrayer to the martyrs Adorers

God, our merciful Father,
You have revealed your love for us in Jesus Christ,
who fills us with light and life in the Eucharistic Mystery.
Grant us the gift of the Holy Spirit
so as to become witnesses of your Merciful Love
in the day to day service
that led our sisters Manuela Arriola and companions to
bear testimony of their faith even unto martyrdom.
Grant us, following their example,
a living faith, firm Hope and burning Charity
that may impel us to collaborate with Christ
in the accomplishment of the kingdom of heaven.
Through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
(Our Father, Hail Mary and Gory be….)

Novena of Confidence to St Maria Micaela

Oh! St Maria Micaela, to your great heart of a Mother, I confide this petition ……..

I trust that you will not leave me disappointed in my hope.

When you were in this world, you obtained from the Sacramental Jesus abundant graces, and do you have less power in heaven?

I hope in your motherly protection and I trust in your great heart that you will obtain for me this grace from Jesus. Amen.

Glory be to the Father……….


Sisters Adorers Mumbai Province. Vijay Nagar, Marol Maroshi Road, Andheri E, Mumbai - 400059
Email : Provincial Supervisor